Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sound Wave Energy was founded in 1992

We have entered a "new age" of holistic healing for ourselves, and our planet. Our consciousness, and awareness, are rapidly expanding, and our bodies are beginning to rebel against all of the un-natural substances we have used to "cure" ourselves of this dis-ease, or that one. As a result, many of us are now choosing to take an active role in our health. No longer content to passively swallow the latest "cure all" treatment that comes along. Many people believe that light, and sound therapy are the tools for true transformation of all levels.

Specific frequencies have the ability to bring a myriad of changes, both positive and negative, to the body. Among some of the beneficial changes are: increased vitality, circulation, calmness, well-being, personal growth and empowerment, energy, balanced emotions, harmonious personal growth, even a deeper connection to our Source through spiritual growth. Sound healing represents a natural, alternative, holistic approach to wellness for body, mind, and spirit.

Sound Wave Energy was founded in 1992 by French-Canadian Nicole La Voie. Nicole is the creator of the sound wave energy technology (vibrational frequencies), she is an international lecturer, and author of "Return to Harmony: Creating Harmony and Balance through the Frequencies of Sound."As a hospital based X-Ray Technician, Nicole was exposed to harmful x-rays during her pregnancy, and her son was born with many deficiencies. At the early age of five his glandular system ceased functioning. He then needed hormone replacement therapy, which improved his condition only marginally. Also, during this time, Nicole herself developed osteoporosis.

Driven by these experiences, and the desire to help her son, she studied Sacred Geometry, Rife technology, worked with crystals, and Homeopathy, became a Reiki Master, and eventually found her way to research in Sound Therapy. This led her to develop the system of frequencies known as Sound Wave Energy (SWE), which has healed her, her son, and many others' with challenges, at all levels.

Nicole is now totally committed to sharing this simple, effective technique for empowering people to support their own Return to Harmony. Practicioners of psychology, massage therapy, teachers of human spirituality, and various other healing modalities, have incorporated SWE frequencies into their practice, and are reporting dramatic increases in the effectiveness of their work.

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