Thursday, August 13, 2009

The symphony of our body.

"We are the instruments, We are the orchestra, We are the music."

Each cell takes part in the symphony of our body.

Our role as a conductor is to orchestrate harmony. When a musician (organ or system), produces a sour note, we bring them back into harmony by helping them to retune their instrument, or refocus their attention. We don't cover up their disharmony or remove them from the orchestra.

Each musician (or part of the body), is important in its Divine Expression for the creation of the symphony.

Matter is organized by waveforms and frequencies. We all know that if we have two violins that are tuned exactly the same, and we pluck a string on one of the violins, the plucked string will produce a field of sound energy, that will trigger the other violin's matching string to begin to vibrate, and produce the same sound. This is called "resonance," and it happens naturally.

Resonance is a basic principle that affects everyone and everything, all the time. This same principle applies for a person in need of physical healing, and/or mental and emotional transformation. The correct frequency reminds the body's energy field of its original blueprint, and brings it into harmony. When we are in the presence of a person who is expressing joy, the energy field of their joy brings our own joy to the surface, so we resonate together. This is true of other manifestations of this principle, in both positive and negative ways.

Sound Wave Energy was founded in 1992

We have entered a "new age" of holistic healing for ourselves, and our planet. Our consciousness, and awareness, are rapidly expanding, and our bodies are beginning to rebel against all of the un-natural substances we have used to "cure" ourselves of this dis-ease, or that one. As a result, many of us are now choosing to take an active role in our health. No longer content to passively swallow the latest "cure all" treatment that comes along. Many people believe that light, and sound therapy are the tools for true transformation of all levels.

Specific frequencies have the ability to bring a myriad of changes, both positive and negative, to the body. Among some of the beneficial changes are: increased vitality, circulation, calmness, well-being, personal growth and empowerment, energy, balanced emotions, harmonious personal growth, even a deeper connection to our Source through spiritual growth. Sound healing represents a natural, alternative, holistic approach to wellness for body, mind, and spirit.

Sound Wave Energy was founded in 1992 by French-Canadian Nicole La Voie. Nicole is the creator of the sound wave energy technology (vibrational frequencies), she is an international lecturer, and author of "Return to Harmony: Creating Harmony and Balance through the Frequencies of Sound."As a hospital based X-Ray Technician, Nicole was exposed to harmful x-rays during her pregnancy, and her son was born with many deficiencies. At the early age of five his glandular system ceased functioning. He then needed hormone replacement therapy, which improved his condition only marginally. Also, during this time, Nicole herself developed osteoporosis.

Driven by these experiences, and the desire to help her son, she studied Sacred Geometry, Rife technology, worked with crystals, and Homeopathy, became a Reiki Master, and eventually found her way to research in Sound Therapy. This led her to develop the system of frequencies known as Sound Wave Energy (SWE), which has healed her, her son, and many others' with challenges, at all levels.

Nicole is now totally committed to sharing this simple, effective technique for empowering people to support their own Return to Harmony. Practicioners of psychology, massage therapy, teachers of human spirituality, and various other healing modalities, have incorporated SWE frequencies into their practice, and are reporting dramatic increases in the effectiveness of their work.

Interview with Jonathan Goldman on Healing power of Sounds.

Positive & Negative Energy Effects on Water Crystals

Pathway of Sound and Healing

We live in a universe that is made of frequency. This perfect universe encompasses all vibration and resonates at a level that manifests in our realization of sight, sound, thought and all measure of Being. This realized universe is a finely tuned spectrum of what is called harmonic resonance.

In our personal journey of life, we too are a mini universe comprised of cells, tissue, organs and energy that functions and experiences the unique and Divine perfection of being a part of this greater phenomena we know as creation. On this journey our lives are affected by all that we experience, every emotion, all thought, climate response, our food consumption and the sum total of our awareness and reaction to our ever changing world.

Let us explore some possibilities that can assist in our understanding of how we can proactively enhance our energetic and physical wellbeing. Each of us has the capacity to create a pallet of sound in and around us that will aid in maintaining our mental and physical health and promote healing and return us to a well balanced place of physical and energetic wholeness. Here is some data to help you understand how the frequencies of thought and sound coupled with the life giving essence of breath can serve as a pathway to healing.

Healing is defined in the dictionary as, "to become sound or healthy again." It is universally accepted that the definition of health is to be of sound mind and sound body. This truth is at the very root of the knowledge and validity of the ancient and indigenous practice of sound healing, a practice which is also strongly supported by contemporary science.
As vibrational beings, our health and wellbeing is intimately connected to the spectrum of sound. We live in a sonic world and have been responding to the texture of sound since our tender beginnings in the womb. Our growth and preparation to come into the physical world is perfectly accompanied by the rhythm of our mother's heart. Sound is a spectrum we not only feel and hear, it is in fact the vibrational essence of what holds our very being together. There exists no moment during the course of our lives when we are not in tandem with the vibratory constant of life sounding around and through us.

We tend to think of our challenges with health in terms of illness from bacteria, cells run a muck, allergic reasction to our environments or foods we eat or overexertion which results in injury. In truth, most of the illnesses and challenges we encounter in our lives are a result of vibrational and energetic imbalance within our body universe that creates an environment that is condusive to DIS-ease (disease).

Illness it is stated, is a perfect response to energy and vibrational imbalance from within us which is the result of how we respond to the external experiences in our daily lives. There is an intrisic relationship between the physical body and what we have come to know as the energetic body. Health is preserved through the nurturing and maintenance of both the physical and energetic. Sound, breath and sonic enhancement practices joined with a nutritous eating regimen and exercise can greatly enrich your heath and ability to live an abundant life.

There are three very tangible elements in our daily lives that, by consciously connecting to the positive power of their effect upon our wellbeing, can aid in maintaining our health and promote dramatic healing. They are the power of Positive Thought, the pure healing essence of Breath, and the frequency and vibration of Sound. This triad is defined as the "Triangle of Healing."

Sound is a powerful medium for healing and your voice can be a pathway to greater health. This road to health and healing start with recognizing the influence of your inner voice.

The vibration of the conversation you have with yourself--your inner dialogue-- has a huge impact on your energy and vibrational soundness. The vibration of your thoughts profoundly serve as a foundation upon which you build your presence in the world. How you speak to you about you is very important. If you have a personal inner dialogue that is judgemental and negative about who you are, what you do and what you are able to achieve, this may cause an imbalance in your energy field.

It is important to honor yourself and amplify positve thought and sound frequencies that enhance the energy of the body and helps to complete the energetic connection between your soul energy and the unlimited reservoir of the universal life force energy that all creation is one with. This is the quantum universe that our global physicists speak of. This universe that eminated from sound itself.

Allow yourself the beautiful experience of feeling the sweet tones of your voice vibrating in every word you utter. Feel the melodic melody of every breath you take, filling and sustaining you with the the very essence of life itself. Tune your whole being with the positive vibration of loving and nurturing thought about who you are and the blessing of each moment of life you experience.

Know that sound heals. It is a part of the medicinal essence in the unlimited magnificence of creation. Seek sound harmony in your world. Seek to maintain balance between the physical body and the energetic body. Truly be of sound, mind, body and spirit. Surround yourself with sounds that heal and remember that the sweetest sound can be the sound of your own voice